Willow scarf pattern and life’s constant move forward

Do you remember the Rug with no name I posted last week? Well, it has a name, it’s the Willow Rug, the great name given to me by someone on FB, and it’s available to download from my website. It has been downloaded quite a few times and guess what! Someone posted pictures on Ravelry of their finished version. I can’t really explain it, but I love seeing the finished items that people create from my patterns. It’s just so… so freakin’ awesome!

Anyway, the response to the Willow Rug was so positive that I decided to build on it,

Willow Infinity Scarf Pattern
Willow Infinity Scarf Pattern

making a scarf pattern as well. On the right here is a picture of the version of the Willow Infinity Scarf I completed the pdf, which is pretty simple: alternating rows of scs and spike scs. In the pdf I include options to add your own details into the scarf, like working it flat and making a really fun cowl by adding a border and overlapping the ends to secure- which I think I will work up myself because I like the idea.

Here’s the pattern just in case you’re not interested in downloading the pattern:

Row 1: Ch 81, sc into second ch from the hook and into all sts across, slip st to the first sc to secure – 80 scs

  • Note: Before you secure row 1 give the row one twist, this will create a twist in the scarf later on. If you do not want a twist in the finished product, disregard this note.

Row 2: Ch 1, sc into first st, spike sc into next st, *sc into next st, spike sc into next st* repeat from * to * all the way around – 20 scs, 20 spike scs

Row 3: Ch 1, spike sc into first st, sc into next st, *spike sc into next st, sc into next st* repeat from * to * all the way around – 20 scs, 20 spike scs

Rows 4 – 16: repeat rows 2 & 3 over and over again.

What do you guys think I should do next? I don’t know where to go from here…

Hey, I want to include a link to my FB because I’m always developing new patterns and need testers. I feel like I’m overwhelming the testers that have been nice enough to help me out! Ha.

Currently I’m working on the pattern for my Marianne scarf. I worked it up in two colors, tan and soft pink, and I love it. I’m also working on a pattern on how to make it a hooded cowl or a scoodie. Do you guys like scoodies? I don’t think I’m ok with that name, as it seems a bit silly. 😀

In conclusion, Monday school starts. I’ve received all but one of my books and I’m growing a bit nervous. I’ve had the whole summer off, the longest break from school that I’ve had since i went back a couple of years ago. I’ve got a year left, hopefully I’ll graduate in the Spring with my BA… but I see the road that is waiting for me. I see the work, so many papers and the deadlines already haunt my dreams. And I’ve got allergies. Ok, I’m going to stop complaining! Promise. 😀 Hold me to it, k?

You can find this post on Yarn Along and Hookin’ On Hump Day.

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