Let me talk to you about wool dryer balls

So, have you seen these things floating around the internet, on another blog post or

Wool dyer balls by Divine Debris
Wool dyer balls by Divine Debris

perhaps for sell on Etsy? Because they’re awesome and so easy to make that I think they really should be a ton more popular than they currently are. I’m talking about wool dyer balls, as the title of this post suggests.

Back in December I came across some leftover yarn in my stash from when I got crazy and bought a skein of Fisherman’s Wool by Lion Brand. I actually made a scarf for myself from it but wore it a handful of times, my neck skin is not so welcoming to wool. Into the bin of my random yarn creations went the scarf and the leftover went into the scraps bin. Well, as I was saying, in December I came across it again and thought, “I’ve seen some great posts on FB about wool dryer balls, I wonder how hard they are to make.” Using Petals to Picot’s post on dryer balls, I set out to make some for myself.
I don’t think I can just adequately say how easy they are to make. Just begin by winding some 100% wool yarn in a ball. I wasn’t super consistent with the size of my balls here, but tried to keep them to a good 1.5″ – 2″ in diameter range. As Petals to Picot’s suggests, make sure you leave a VERY long tail and weave it back and forth through your ball to secure it. How awful would it be to have your lovely dryer ball fall apart after a month or so?

Wool dryer balls by Divine Debris
Wool dryer balls by Divine Debris

As you can see from the picture on the right, the felting is pretty subtle when you look at it but when you feel it, you can definitely tell that the individual strands are less individual and more stuck together in a huge mass. The ball on the left is felted the ball on the right is not.
Now Petals to Picots says to just throw these lil’ babies in with the washer next time you do a hearty load, but I combined her sweater technique and stuck some wool balls in a pantyhose stalking that has a run in it and washed them with some towels (photo below). I just used a couple of pieces of extra yarn, bright purple as you can see in the photo, and that way I was able to reuse the pantyhose for a later set of dryer balls. ๐Ÿ˜€ Just double knot it and then snip the yarn when you’re done.

Wool dryer balls by Divine Debris
Wool dryer balls by Divine Debris

I did this the first time I made a set of dryer balls and they were perfectly felted as soon as they got out of the dryer and I’ve been using them ever since. I even made more and sent some to my mom. The great thing about these is that they eliminate the need for dryer sheets, which is great for me because I have a strong sense of smell and hate to add more scent to things then they already have. They also cut down on your drying time, in my opinion, significantly. Not to mention, they make great little gifts!

Well, that’s all for now. I just wanted to share with you a fun little project that I’ve been working on. I will be back this week to talk about my newest design release, the Ruth Scarf. Until then, you take care of yourself!

Something in a Valentine style

Hello! How is your Friday going? Me? Oh, I’m just trying to get some stuff done but my

Heart ring pattern by Divine Debris
Heart ring pattern by Divine Debris

desire to stay in my jammers and watch Gilmore Girls re-runs is really strong. Ha. I guess it’s lucky that I finished my Valentine’s Day ring and took pictures of it before today. Planning, it’s great for those days where you don’t feel like doin’ much. ๐Ÿ˜€

So, I was inspired by the lovely pattern round-ups from lovely people, like Tanya at HodgePodge Crochet, to create something that would be fun to wear during Valentine’s Day. Also, I do love a fun ring. (Remember my pumpkin ring?)

Heart ring pattern by Divine Debris
Heart ring pattern by Divine Debris

So, for this ring you’ll need the same materials as the pumpkin ring:

A couple of colors of size 10 crochet thread and a 2.25 mm crochet hook (I used a Boye brand).
Again, for the band, I crocheted 24 chains and then did 5 rows of scs but if you need more or less chs/rows definitely adjust that.

For the heart I used PlanetJune‘s heart patternย in the medium size.

Using white, to get that memorable and awesome doily look (which always reminds me

Heart ring pattern by Divine Debris
Heart ring pattern by Divine Debris

of my younger years), start in the first sc of row two, sc & ch 1 in each st all the way around, slip st into the first sc when you’ve gone all the way around. It’s just that simple!

I then glued the heart to the band. The heart ends up being just over 1″ in height and 1.25″ at it’s widest. Ok, sure, it’s a bit big but it’s an attention getter, so go big or go home! Or you could do the small heart and a thinner band. That’s the fun thing about such a simple pattern, you can change it as you would like. You could probably make the band bigger, and a larger heart, and make a napkin ring. That’s much fancier than I get, but it’d look nice on a table for a Valentine’s Day dinner. Me? Oh, I think I’m going to grab my red and white threads and make some Valentine earrings. ๐Ÿ˜€ (If you would like to add this to your Ravelry queue or favorites you can do so here. Pin it here.)
Oh, and before I shuffle off and get some more coffee, I just wanted to introduce you to

Tabitha hat pattern by Divine Debris
Tabitha hat pattern by Divine Debris

my newest hat design, the Tabitha. The pattern comes with adult/teen and child directions and is wonderfully reversible. Also, and this is the best part at the moment, I’m doing a giveaway on my FB page. On Monday I will be using Rafflecopter to select 10 random winners who will get their own FREE copy of the Tabitha Hat pattern. If you don’t want to risk it and would like to get your pattern now, it’s on sale for $2.39 right nowย (this is a link to my website) and you can buy it for $2.39 on Craftsy if you’d prefer. Add it to your Ravelry queue or favorites here. Or pin it for later here. All in all,ย I really like this hat design and had a lot of fun makin’ the pattern. I’m working on a scarf version of this as well, I thinkin’ it’s going to includeย a long “traditional” scarf and a cowl.
Anyway, I hope you like the heart ring pattern, well it’s not so much a pattern as it is an adaptation of other things. ๐Ÿ˜€ Take care! I’m hoping I’ll stumble upon some motivation somewhere so I can get some of the things on my crafting list done. Until next time.

You can find this post linked to Hookin’ on Hump Day by Petals to Picots and Moogly and MadMadMakers Patterns and Tutorials.

Christmas Vacation Is Over

Oh, it was great while it lasted but I must finally admit that my Christmas vacation is over. I began when my husband got home from deployment and ended a week or more ago but I’ve been putting so much off it’s not even funny. I’ve been sitting on some designs I need to get written up and tested, I didn’t make the post about the wonderful dryer balls I made before Christmas and I want to ask about what I should be working on next. I’m not sure where to go from here. I’m under crochet-joed or something because I just can’t think up my next design idea. I also bought some Loops and Threads Woolikeย but I don’t know what I want to do with it. A shawl? A shrug? A scarf that’s light for the Spring? I just don’t know! What do you like to do with this size/type of yarn?

Ruth Hat Pattern by Divine Debris
Ruth Hat Pattern by Divine Debris

I did finally release my Ruth Hat design! I got this hat tested before Christmas even happened and then I didn’t do anything with it because my husband got home and I was too focused on how much I missed him. ๐Ÿ˜€

So, anyway, here’s the newest hat. I’ve been wearing it all over when I wentย out for almost the last month. I definitely like the slouchiness, but then again I love that style. Oh! And to celebrate the release of the Ruth hat I’ve got the pattern on sale for 40% off, as well as all the other hat patterns on my site. ๐Ÿ˜€ I would love if you added it to your favorites or queue on Ravelry too, if you’re so inclined.
Beginning on Friday I’m going to host a giveaway for the Ruth hat on my Facebook page. It’s going to be a simple pin it type of deal.
I’m going to try to make sure I don’t leave so much time between this post and the next one. ๐Ÿ˜€ Currently I’m testing another hat pattern that will also be getting a matching cowl soon, so I’ll be back soon to talk about the design.
Until then. Have a good one!

Tis The Seasons for snowflakes

I have been in the best mood the last couple of weeks. I’m working on tons of patterns, having fun doing it, and just throwing together some fun accessories to wear to work. I’m also enjoying school. ๐Ÿ˜€ I have this assignment where I have to watch Pushing Daisies, the wonderful gone too soon show from like 6 years ago, to analyze it for it’s use of math and then write a paper on that. Sounds fun, right? Tedious, sure, but still enjoyable because Lee Pace. *growl* Whoa, got off topic. Ha.

Crochet snowflake necklace pattern by Divine Debris
Crochet snowflake necklace by Divine Debris

Anyway, want a pattern for a fun snowflake themed necklace that you could probably wear until February or later depending upon where you live?
You’re going to need a US 2.00 mm crochet hook and 2 colors of size 10 crochet thread, I used Aunt Lydia’s in light blue and white, I’d say less than a full oz.

To get this pattern visit DivineDebris.com

Willow hat 2.0

I like the Willow line, which is obvious because I keep adding to it. I just think that the

Willow Hat 2.0, a free crochet pattern by Divine Debris
Willow Hat 2.0, a free crochet pattern by Divine Debris

alternating spike sc and sc can add a lot to a pattern without making it overly complicated. However, to make things a bit more complicated, this new Willow hat features a triangle accent piece. Would you call it a triangle? That’s what I have it labeled as in the pattern but it seems wrong some how. I don’t know, I think triangle works though. Sorry, thinkin’ out loud. ๐Ÿ˜€

Anyway, I’m updating to introduce you to the newest member of the Willow collection, the Willow Hat pattern 2.0. It’s 2.0 because I have the previous Willow hat, which I love and think looks adorable, but I wanted something a bit sassier. Sure, there’s the Willow Sack Hat but that’s not quite what I was in the mood for the day I made this hat. Actually, I was going to originally call 2.0 the Sassy Willow Hat pattern but because I think the hat itself is unisex, I didn’t want to alienate men from wearing it. Not that I think all men wouldn’t want a hat called “sassy” but I think it might discourage some people from it. I don’t know.

In the end I think that hat is adorable and fun. I’ve already gotten a commission for one, in black with orange and gray.

WillowHat 2.0 in black by Divine Debris
WillowHat 2.0 in black by Divine Debris

I think it turned out pretty nice, even if black yarn makes me nervous because it shows every fuzz and bit of dust that you’ve had near in ever. *sigh*

Anyway for this pattern you will need 3.5 oz, all together, of yarn, with small pieces of two different contrasting colors, and a US I crochet hook.

You can access the pattern on my website, either reading it off the page or downloading your own pdf file. Please, do not hesitate to let me know if you see anything wrong with the pattern either here, at info@divinedebris.com or on my Facebook page.

You can add the pattern to your Ravelry queue here and pin it for later, here.

The next addition to the Willow collection will be the boot cuffs. I’ve got the pattern nearly

Willow boot cuffs by Divine Debris
Willow boot cuffs by Divine Debris

finished, I just need to be sure the sizing is correct. The alternating sc and spike sc make the upper part larger than it was in my Eva boot cuffs and it’s proving to be a bit of a pain in my neck. However, as you can see in the picture to the right, the look is quite nice. I did this pair in Loops and Threads Impeccable in gold, teal and soft taupe. I think if you wanted you could do 5 different colors or add another two rows to the top in the first color. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love to encourage people to experiment with my patterns.

Until next time, have a good week(s)/weekend(s). I’ve got tons to do in my non-crochet life, like paint bedrooms and clean the house, before people come to visit toward the end of this month. Oh, I’m tired at the thought of all that. ๐Ÿ˜€

You can find this post linked on Hookin’ on Hump Day by Moogly and Petals to Picots.

Happy Thanksgiving/Black Friday

I must say that my holiday this year isn’t super exciting. I’ve got homework I’ve been

50% off all crochet patterns on DivineDebris.com
50% off all crochet patterns on DivineDebris.com

putting off, I’m terrible (I know!), I’ve got to work tonight (U.S. Thanksgiving evening), work tomorrow night and I’m alone. Last night I made a cranberry apple pie with a crumble on top, it’s seriously good. My Thanksgiving dinner consists of turkey breast slices rolled around stuffing, topped with gravy, and baked.

To be honest with you, it’s not that bad. I’m doing ok, maybe feeling a bit lonely but it’s alright.
I’m working a couple of ami patterns for Christmas, as always I have to give my Wendy/Willa a seasonal update. ๐Ÿ˜€ So keep on the lookout for those in the coming weeks. I’m done with the new Willow patternsย I mentioned in my last post, I just haven’t had the time to publish the patterns on my website. I feel like I’m always busy right now. I cannot wait for the holidays to be over. Ha.

Teacup mug hugger sleeve by Divine Debris
Crochet teacup mug hugger sleeve by Divine Debris

I also want to post a mug hugger (on the right) how-to on my website. Have you seen these guys? They’re so cute! I’ve been making a ton of them lately and I’ve sold a few, so that’s neat.

Anyway… I have to go get ready for work and have another slice of pie.
If you’re interested I’m offering 50% off the regular price of any of my patterns Nov 28th – Dec 1st.

If you celebrate or not, I hope you’re having a good Thursday wherever you are.

A Tree For You and a Tree For Me

Candy Cane inspired Chevron earrings by Divine Debris
Candy Cane inspired Chevron earrings by Divine Debris

Here in the US, Christmas season is fully underway. My day(ish) job isย at a retail establishment and so for me, it’s been Christmas season since the beginning of November. To be honest with you, I’m actually in quite the Christmas spirit this year. My husband returns from deployment sometime around then, my brother and his girlfriend are coming to visit me and there will be baking! Cookies, pies and more. ๐Ÿ˜€


So in my Christmas spirit I’ve been working on earrings of the Christmas variety:

Candy cane inspired owl earrings by Divine Debris
Candy cane inspired owl earrings by Divine Debris

owls that remind me of candy canes, stockings, Christmas trees, Christmas cupcakes and candy cane inspired chevron earrings.

I’m also working on a new hat and some boot cuffs for the Willow line.

And to spread the cheer, I want to share with you the pattern for the Christmas tree earrings, which I also worked into a applique that I’m going to wear as broach/ button for work. ๐Ÿ™‚


Christmas tree earrings by Divine Debris
Christmas tree earrings by Divine Debris

For the earrings(shown on the left), you need a 2.00mm steel hook and size 10 crochet thread.
Row 1: Chain 9, sc into the second ch from the hook and across – 8 scs

Row 2: Turn, ch 1, slip st into first st, hdc into next st, *slip st into next st, hdc into next st,* repeat from * to * the rest of the row – 4 hdcs

Row 3: Turn, ch 1, sc2tog first two sts, sc into next 4 sts, sc2tog last two sts – 6 scs


Crochet Christmas themed cupcake earrings by Divine Debris
Crochet Christmas themed cupcake earrings by Divine Debris

Row 4:ย Turn, ch 1, slip st into first st, hdc into next st, *slip st into next st, hdc into next st,* repeat from * to * the rest of the row – 3 hdcs

Row 5: Turn, ch 1, sc2tog, sc into next 2 sts, sc2tog the last two sts – 4 scs

Row 6:ย Turn, ch 1, slip st into first st, hdc into next st, slip st into next st, hdc into next st, – 2 hdcs


Crochet Christmas stockings earrings by Divine Debris
Crochet Christmas stockings earrings by Divine Debris

Row 7: Turn, ch 1, sc2tog first two sts, sc2tog last two sts – 2 scs

Row 8: Turn, ch 1, slip st into first st, hdc into next st – 1 hdc

Row 9: Turn, ch 1, sc2tog – 1 sc

Row 10: Turn, ch 1, sc – 1 sc

Fasten off. Weave in ends.

For the trunk I just sced into the other side of the two middle sts from row 1 and then turned, ch 1 and sced a second row (2 scs). Fasten off, weave in ends.


Crochet Christmas tree applique by Divine Debris
Crochet Christmas tree applique by Divine Debris

I used puffy paint to decorate the trees, but you could glue beads on the trees, or whatever you’d like. Have fun with it! To make the goofy lil’ stars at the top I drew a star on parchment paper and let it dry and then glued it to the top of the trees.

For the applique (on the left) I used a US G (4mm) hook and Worsted weight yarn. . I made it larger than the earrings, 13 chs to begin with, but it’s the same basic premise as the earrings. You just need to make sure your first row is an even number of single crochets (this means an odd number of chains)ย and you can make the tree as big or as little as you would like.


Bonnie Cowl Scarf Pattern by Divine Debris
Bonnie Cowl Scarf Pattern by Divine Debris

I also just released my latest design, the Bonnie cowl scarf (on the right), and it’s on sale from now untilย November 27th for 40% off it’s regular price, making it $2.39. You can buy it on my website, Divine Debris, my Craftsy page, Pin it here, or add it to your Ravelry queue.


You can find this post linked up to Hookin’ on Hump Day by Moogly and Petals to Picots.

B is for Boot Cuffs

How’s your Thursday going? I’m working on a crochet art project for a class, triangle granny squares

Michelle Boot Cuffs from Divine Debris
Michelle Boot Cuffs from Divine Debris

are involved, while catching up on TV from last night. Also, mmm… coffee. It is the best, amiright?
I’m also a bit on the sleepy side because I stayed up late and then slept in and my internalย clock is all cattywampus (it’s an on going issue).

So, yeah, boot cuffs. Have you made a pair or two (perhaps many more) this season? I have. I’m kinda in like with the style, if you ask me. I updated my Michelle collection to include the boot cuffs and I’m working on the Eva boot cuffs pattern (they’re being tested right now.)

The Evaย will go up on my website when I hear back from my

Eva Boot Cuffs by Divine Debris
*coming soon* Eva Boot Cuffs by Divine Debris

testers however, the Michelle boot cuffs are already ready to purchase, if you’re interested, at 40% off their regular $4.50 price, making them $2.70 for the pattern (in fact the whole Michelle collection is 40% off again). 6 different sizes for $2.70. One of my testers sent the cutest photos of her little in the boot cuffs and I’m so glad I added child sizes to the pattern. Originally I was going to do it in only adult sizes, because I don’t have kids and so I don’t usually think about them when I’m working (that’s why you rarely see patterns for children from me) but I got crazy and looked up measurements to see what I could do. ๐Ÿ™‚ Like I said, she looked super adorable in her Frozen themed boot cuffs. I’ll update this with a link to my FB when I get the pictures edited and uploaded.

Eva Boot Cuffs by Divine Debris
*coming soon* Eva Boot Cuffs by Divine Debris

For the Eva cuffs I did something I’ve been wanting to work on for a while, combining yarn and thread in one project and highlighting the qualities of both materials while using them in unison, if that makes sense. I like the juxtaposition of the textures and I feel like this could really add something unique to my future projects. It was one of those ideas I got late at night, while laying in bed, and I happily didn’t forget before I woke up. I’m terrible about keeping a notebook by my bed. Iย know I’ve laid in bed thinking about ideas for patterns and then fell asleep, only to let the pattern drift away to dreamland. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ In fact, this happened this week and I’ve been wracking my brain trying to remember what it was. I fear it’s gone forever.

Michelle Boot Cuffs by Divine Debris
Michelle Boot Cuffs by Divine Debris

Anyway, the Eva cuffs will be made available for free on my website when they’re finished (yay!). You can add the Michelle boot cuffs to you Ravelry queue here, which I would appreciate. ๐Ÿ˜€
Take care and enjoy this first week of November. It’s already getting cold where I live and I’m a little irritated that it feels like we’ve skipped over Fall. It went from still needing the AC in October to browsing the internet for a space heater in November. I’m just glad I have an abundance of blankets. ๐Ÿ˜€

You can find this post linked to Moogly‘s and Petals to Picots‘ย Hooking on Hump Dayย and Oombawka Designs Link and Share Wednesday.

The Brittany Bow Ring

So… what are you doing these days? Me, oh I’m looking forward to

Blue Brittany Bow Ring from Divine Debris
Blue Brittany Bow Ring from Divine Debris

the holidays! Which, ifย you knew me in real life, you would find surprising because I’m nearly always a grinch. Ha. Seriously, I don’t usually like holidays but I’m so excited this year to see family, to bake/cook and to give gifts. I’m working on some new ideas, like the Brittany Bow ring (right). What do you think? It’s a variation of the Brittany scarf that’s been quite popular.

Also, remember the pumpkin ring I posted previously? Well, using that same pattern I

Candy Corn ring by Divine Debris
Candy Corn ring by Divine Debris

made the Candy Corn ring (left). ๐Ÿ˜€ What do you think? Funny enough, I hate candy corn but I love to make earrings, necklaces and rings in that color design. It’s just so fun!

Candy Corn necklace by Divine Debris
Candy Corn necklace by Divine Debris

Oh, and I don’t want to forget:ย in anticipation for the holidays, I’m featuring a promotion on my website. With any ready to ship product purchase, which is all the products I have listed on the website right now, you can get one free Brittany Bow Ring! Read the details here.

I hope you all like the ring. I really had fun making it. I’m working on some other things, like updating the Brittany pattern so that it features children’s sizes, and I will hopefully update soon with some more fun stuff.

Pink Brittany Bow Ring from Divine Debris
Pink Brittany Bow Ring from Divine Debris

Take care!

You can find this post linked to Hookin’ on Hump Day by Moogly and My Merry Messy Life

Some new earrings, fall themed

Hello! How is your Monday going? I, for one, am pretty tired for no real reason. ๐Ÿ™‚

Red apple earrings by Divine Debris
Red apple earrings by Divine Debris

Just wanted to stop by and show off some of my new earrings I’ve been working on. A friend of mine is starting a new teaching job and asked for a pair of apple earrings, which I was more than happy to provide.

Pink apple earrings by Divine Debris
Pink apple earrings by Divine Debris

I then made them in pink. What do you think of these apples? How do you like them apples, perhaps? :p

I then made some pumpkins and skulls. If you’re interested, I have all my seasonal earrings available to purchase on my website for 20% off their regular price. Free shipping on $25 purchases and $3 flat rate otherwise.

Here’s something else I’m working on, should have it up soon on the website to purchase:

Black and orange flower ring by Divine Debris
Black and orange flower ring by Divine Debris